Thursday, January 8, 2015

Strand 2-Interdependence- Assignment 3

Guiding Question:
How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

In assignment 2, you watched a video about Food Chains and Webs. Did it help bring you a little closer to answering the guiding question?

In today's assignment you will watch a Study Jams video and take a quiz. Then, you will write the sentences below in your journal and fill in the blanks.

ASSIGNMENT: Click on the link below to watch the STUDY JAMS video. Then copy the sentences below in your journal and fill in the blanks from the quiz after watching the video.

Study Jams

Symbiosis is ___________________________.

An example of ______________________ is when a tapeworm lives inside an animal and eats the food it digests.

One thing commensalism and mutualism have in common is ______________________________.

One example of commensalism is _______________________________.

______________________ is beneficial to both organisms.

The host in parasitism is the organism that ___________________________________.

An insect pollinating a flower is _______________________________.

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