Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Science TCAP Review

Use a paper and a pencil and work with a partner to answer the science TCAP practice questions at the following link:

Science TCAP Practice

Tomorrow, I will post a link to all of the answers.

Monday, March 9, 2015

TCAP Practice

Click the link below and choose the Science-5th Grade in ppt format.

Work through these questions with a partner and see how many you know.


Monday, February 9, 2015

Strand 1- Cells- Assignment 3

You will be creating a model of a plant and an animal cell using Playdoh.

Go ahead and google this now for some ideas, and make a list of the supplies you will need.

You can copy images of projects you might want to duplicate into a document.

You need to use Google Drive, ask Parker or Sarah for help.

Strand 1- Cells - Assignment 2

Please click on the link below and take the quiz about cells.

When you are finished, check your grade. How did you do? Leave your first name and score in the comments.

Quiz About Cells

Friday, February 6, 2015

Strand 1- Cells- Assignment 1

Make sure you have the worksheet that goes along with this webquest.

Click on the link below to begin.

Cell Webquest

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Strand 3- Flow of Matter & Energy-Assignment 3

Let's Play

click HERE and play the games about food chains.

At 2:20, stop and write a reflection on what you did today.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Strand 3- Flow of Matter and Energy- Assignment 2


Watch the Brainpop video on photosynthesis:


Complete the quiz, and email me your results.

Complete the online Lab for photosynthesis, there are 5 questions to answer in your journal.

Follow the directions on the website:

Friday, January 23, 2015

Strand 3- Flow of Matter and Energy- Assignment 1

Grade 5 : Standard 3 - Flow of Matter and Energy

What scientific information explains how matter and energy flow through the biosphere?

What do you think of when you read this question?

Write your reflections in your science journal.

When your journal is complete, go on to Strand 3- Assignment 2

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Final Assignment for Srand 2

The guiding question for this Strand is:

How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

Please take the information you collected for each of the first six assignments, and begin working on a powerpoint that answers this question. 

Please make sure to include all of the vocabulary.

You need at least 7 slides.

You must provide examples of each type of symbiotic relationships.

You must also explain how human behaviors influence the world around them.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Strand 2 Interdpendence - Assignment 6

Today I want you to find a video or blog about Interdependence that you thing would be helpful for your classmates to see!

Post the link to the blog or video in the comments with why you think it would be appropriate.

When you are finished, read silently.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Strand 2- Interdependence Assignment 5

Vocabulary Task--

Our guiding question is:  How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

Today you are going to define each of the words below and create vocabulary flash cards using
index cards.

On one side you will write the word, and on the other you will write the definition and possibly and example of the word.   You will
use the cards in a future lesson, please put them in a sandwich bag and put them in your binder.

Nutritional Relationship
Food Chains

You can use the Encyclopedia online as a resource for these definitions:


username:   My first name and last name @gmail.com    and the password is joebob123

Mrs. Feagins

Friday, January 9, 2015

Strand 2-Interdependence- Assignment 4

Guiding Question:
How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

So far we have reflected on our guided question, learned about food webs and chains, and learned about the three types of symbiotic relationships. Today we will look closely at how humans and their environment.

As you watch the video today, pay special attention to the human impact on the environment and natural disasters impact on the world.

In your journal, label the page Human Actions & Natural Disasters. As you watch the video, list 10 things you learn or that are interesting about Human Actions and Natural Disasters.
Your login to watch the video will be the same as your Pearson account: firstnamelastname05 password lions2014

People and the Environment

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Strand 2-Interdependence- Assignment 3

Guiding Question:
How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

In assignment 2, you watched a video about Food Chains and Webs. Did it help bring you a little closer to answering the guiding question?

In today's assignment you will watch a Study Jams video and take a quiz. Then, you will write the sentences below in your journal and fill in the blanks.

ASSIGNMENT: Click on the link below to watch the STUDY JAMS video. Then copy the sentences below in your journal and fill in the blanks from the quiz after watching the video.

Study Jams

Symbiosis is ___________________________.

An example of ______________________ is when a tapeworm lives inside an animal and eats the food it digests.

One thing commensalism and mutualism have in common is ______________________________.

One example of commensalism is _______________________________.

______________________ is beneficial to both organisms.

The host in parasitism is the organism that ___________________________________.

An insect pollinating a flower is _______________________________.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Strand 2-Interdependence- Assignment 2

Guiding Question:
How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

In assignment one you thought about what this guiding question means, and you made a list about what you know already about this topic. In assignment 2, you will dig a little deeper.

Click on the link and watch the video below. You will be taking notes about food chains and webs in your journal. Label your paper, FOOD CHAINS AND WEBS-DISCOVERY ED VIDEO. You need to write down at least 10 facts about food chains and webs.  Your login should be your pearson username and login. firstnamelastname05  and password in lions2014

Food Chains and Webs

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Strand 2- Interdependence- Assignment 1

Our guiding question for this activity is:

How do living things interact with one another and with the non-living elements of their environment?

If this is the question, what types of things do you think we are going to talk about.


In your journal, write the guiding question at the top of your page.

Then make a list of all the things you think we are going to learn about in this unit.

What are some of the ways you know that living things do to interact with one another and other non-living elements of their environment?

If you finish this assignment before dismissal; read silently.